Saturday, February 20, 2016


 Hey there. :) Katie here. I have been making YouTube videos like crazy. I will post them here, but I probably won't be making many photostories or blog posts that aren't videos.

 I have been taking some online college classes in film making and I am really enjoying them. However, this doesn't leave as much time for blogging, so I won't be able to post as much for a little while. (Yes, I know I might be a little young since I haven't even finished High School yet)

 See you soon!


 P.S. Here is my latest video. As always, enjoy!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Behind the Scenes in a TREE!

 It's 40 Seconds of Fluffy! Episode One!

                                           More behind-the-scenes videos to follow!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

New Series for 100+ Subscribers!

                                           Thank you for 100+ subscribers. Enjoy, my friends.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Through the Lens Thursday: Miep

 Welcome to Through the Lens Thursday.

 A doll that you don't often see in my videos is Miep.

I took Miep outside and captured this photo.
                          Now, her name used to be Ruthie. But, in my opinion, it didn't suit her.

I love this picture.
                                 I don't know why I chose to name her Miep. To be honest, I don't know why I don't use her in my videos or posts often.

                                 Perhaps I will post with her again, soon.

                                 Happy TTL Thursday!




                                   If you want to do an American Girl TTL Thursday on your blog, you are welcome to. All I ask is that you leave a link to Dollies on a Budget. This took a lot of brainstorming on my part.

                                   Doll: Ruthie, AG
                                   Outfit: Emily's "Meet" Dress, AG, no longer available.

        *Please do not steal my pictures. I own them. Also, they are watermarked and I will know if someone takes them.*

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Day Outside With Crys

 Today, I took Crystal outside and filmed all afternoon! However, it only made a tiny 'lil video. :P Oh well. Enjoy!


Photo Shoot with Crys

 I don't know what it is about taking photos with Crystal, but she is my favorite doll for photo shoots and I just love the way pictures of her turn out.

 I took Crys and my camera outside this morning and decided to do a little photo shoot. Now, I couldn't stay out long because it is super cold. (That's why I haven't made many videos on YouTube lately, it's freezing here and I don't have good lighting inside, so I have to wait until it warms up a bit.) Isn't this photo simply lovely?

I don't know if it is the combination of the lighting or the background, but I love this photo. 


                                                        ~Outfit of the Day~ (OOTD)


     This is my favorite outfit for Crystal to wear. The shorts bring out her eyes and the shirt looks lovely with her hair.

                                Shorts: Hiking Outfit (no longer available)
                                Shirt: Kit's Chicken Keeping Set (limited time set, no longer available)
                                Shoes: Historical (not BeForever) Julie's "Meet" shoes
                                Doll: Crystal (MAG (now TrulyMe #33 with added freckles)


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Crystal's Gymnastics AGSM

 Here's a video of Crystal doing gymnastics! My newest AGSM, now available in HD!!!!! Woohoo!

                                    CELEBRATING 100+ SUBBIES! Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!

 Hope you enjoyed!


 (Oh, and before you ask, I have NO idea what happened with the credits!)