Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Throw Back Thursday!

 I am gathering some photos for my next Throw Back Thursday blog post.
This TBT is focused on Saige. If you have any pictures of Saige that you would like to have featured, please PM me.

Photos must be your own.
By sending me a photo, you agree to letting me use it on my blog. I will give you credit for it, and leave a link to your blog. (If you have one.)
You can send as many photos as you wish.

 How to send me a photo:
Upload it to a photo hosting site. (Photobucket, Tinypic, etc.)
Then, message me your photo so that I can include it in the post. Be sure that there is a link that I can use to add it to the post.

You can email me at 15dollsandcounting.email@gmail.com

 Thank you!

Tutorial Tuesday: Half-Into-Full Ponytail Photo Tutorial With Kenzie!

 Today, I will be showing you how to create a half-into-full ponytail on your doll.

 What you will need:
 -A Wire Wig Hair Brush (Plastic can damage doll hair)
-Hair Rubber Bands

*Please note: I am not responsible for any damage/harm/injuries/etc. caused by any of my projects. You are doing this at your own risk.*

 I'll post more tutorials, soon!


Dolloween (And More Of Madison's Blog!)

 If you celebrate it, what are your dolls going to be for Dolloween?
Well, comment who/what your doll(s) are going to be!

 Madison over at Delightful World Of Dolls is are featured blog/blogger of the month. She wants ideas for what her dolls should be for Dolloween! Visit this post for more information.

 Madison has done a great job with DWOD, so go ahead and go check it out!

 Do you have an AGTube blog that you want to be featured? Click here to find out how to make that happen!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cecile's Flowery Photoshoot (Blog Of The Month, DelightfulWorldOfDolls)

 As some of you may know, this month's "Blog Of The Month" is Delightful World Of Dolls!

  Madison, the owner of DWOD takes amazing photos and they are always beautiful. You can find one of her photo-shoots here.


 You can go to Delightful World Of Dolls by clicking this link.

 If you would like to be featured, you can find the original post here.

  I will be posting more of Madison's work in a few days. :)


Friday, October 3, 2014

Featured Blog: October 2014

 Hello! Would you like to know the blog that we are featuring this month?

 Delightful World Of Dolls!

  Madison, the owner of DWOD is an amazing stop-motioner and blogger. Her work is just... AMAZING! So, if you haven't already, go check out Delightful World Of Dolls!

 Also, Madison made an amazing video trailer for a stopmotion that she will be making called "The Runaway Princess" You can find it here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp-ccl5ADBc

 I will be featuring more of Madison's work every week until the first of November. So, get ready for some exciting posts!

YOUR BLOG could be featured on DolliesOnABudget!

Hello everyone! It's DolliesOnABudget, and today I have news!

  I will choose one blog to be featured every month.

 How you could get featured:
1. PM/email me a link to your blog so that I can look at it. I will only choose one blog per month for this, but I will gladly feature some blog posts any time! Just PM/email me a post that you would like featured, and I will try to feature it.

2. If I find your blog myself, I will comment/PM/email you and ask if I can feature you. Remember, it's okay if you don't want to be featured.

3. PM/email/comment on my blog and leave a link to your blog and a post that you would like featured.

 4. Or, if you don't have a blog, PM/email me what you want for me to post.

 My blog email: 15dollsandcounting.email@gmail.com