Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lea Clark: No Neck Strings, Less Custom Dolls? Pros and Cons

 If you haven't already heard, Lea Clark has no neck strings! Instead, she has a zip-tie. I'm not a huge fan of the whole idea, because I customize my dolls, but I'm sure for some people it's a good idea.

 No strings attached, here are the pros and cons I've come up with. (cheesy pun intended.)

 -Dolls can now wear swimsuits and similar items w/out the neck strings sticking out.
 -You don't have to worry about people accidentally cutting them.
 -Brushing hair may be easier. (Am I the only one that gets my brush caught in the strings?)

 -Customization. It would be a lot harder to customize Lea's eyes, head, or hair.
 -Some people have mentioned it is harder to move her head. (I've heard this from three people)
 -Not the same traditional AG build that Pleasant Co. started with. It's as though they are taking away everything original, lately.

 I can see how this could be good for some people, and not so much for others. I think it depends on what you are planning on doing with the doll. What are your thoughts on this matter?

 This is Hallie, over and out.

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